Board of Directors

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    Mr Gianmarco Biagi

    Managing Director and CEO

    Director since April 2019

    Mr Gianmarco Biagi is a former CEO of important multinational manufacturing groups and General manager of an important Italian group leader in luxury furniture. He has been President of Settepuntonove Srl since 2018, a holding company of industrial investments in the sector of new technologies, furniture, automotive and of services. He holds institutional role as President of AIQ, UMIQ Board President at Confindustria Emilia and National Councillor at AISOM. Previously he held the position of President of the furniture and wood sector at Unindustria Bologna and of Media Industry President at Unindustria Bologna and President of the FXO consortium. Based in Italy, Gianmarco is very active in enterprise focused associations, and currently holds several institutional roles. Current roles include president of AICIM, president of AISOM, and board member of the scientific and technical committee of the Italian model for risk management in healthcare of the prestigious LUISS Business School.

    He is also an accomplished author of management strategy focused publications.

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    Mr Lorenzo Biagi

    Executive Director

    Director since April 2019

    Mr Lorenzo Biagi is an experienced company manager in the private sector, with extensive knowledge in virtual reality technology, sales, and cost control management. While managing corporate development processes for more than 10 years, Mr Biagi has implemented new procedures and technologies helping make the companies he worked for and with, leaders in innovation.

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    Mr Jacopo Merli

    Executive Director and COO

    Director since December 2022

    Mr Merli is the founder and CEO of JMC Group, acquired by Vection Technologies during 2021. During the last ten years, Mr Merli expanded JMC's focus as an OEM partner for a $100b tech hardware giant within mission-critical sectors including military, telco, and broadcasting, becoming, in 2019, one of their global suppliers. During his university career in aerospace engineering, Mr Merli joined as a consultant to the Italian branch of a NASDAQ-listed world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of high-performance analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processor ("DSP") and integrated circuits ("ICs") acquiring key knowledge of large company management processes.

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    Mr Umberto (Bert) Mondello

    Non-Executive Director (resigned as Chairman on 10 November 2023)

    Director since November 2017

    Mr Bert Mondello is an experienced public company director, corporate advisor, and technology expert with 20 years of experience across both the private and public sectors. Mr Mondello has widespread experience spanning retail and institutional sectors and extensive knowledge of marketing communications and investor relations. With deep-rooted expertise across multiple technology sectors, Mr Mondello has provided strategic corporate advice and mentoring to several private and public organisations internationally across multiple industries. He holds a Bachelor of Law from the University of Notre Dame, Australia.

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    Mr Cameron Petricevic

    Independent and Non-Executive Director

    Director since January 2025

    Cameron has spent over 20 years in the financial industry, an experienced Board member of both private and public companies. He has extensive investment banking experience, including mergers & acquisitions, valuations, initial public offerings and portfolio management coupled with growing early stage companies. Cameron is a qualified Actuary (AIAA), holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Actuarial) and a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) from the University of Melbourne, with First Class Honours. He is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and founder/treasurer of Brimbank ToRCH, a Royal Children’s Hospital auxiliary charity. He has held previous roles at AXA Asia Pacific (acquired by AMP), Acorn Capital and as a Partner at Kentgrove Capital. Cameron is currently a Director/Founder at Lucrum Ventures Pty Ltd and a Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary for several ASX listed companies.

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    Marco Landi

    Non-Executive Chairmain

    Director since January 2025

    Marco Landi is a leader with experience in the global hi-tech business. He served as COO and President of Apple Computer in Cupertino, overseeing Global Operations, Marketing, and Sales, after successfully leading the turnaround of Apple EMEA as President of Apple Europe. Before that, he spent over two decades at Texas Instruments, managing all business units in EMEA from Brussels and in Asia from Hong Kong. During his three-year tenure, TI Asia increased its revenues from $1 billion to over $4 billion. In Brussels, he received the prestigious European Quality Award and was appointed Chairman of the American-European Electronics Association, representing more than 300,000 workers at the European Commission. Marco Landi holds a degree in telecommunications engineering from the renowned University of Bologna and attended an executive MBA program at the INSEAD Institute. He currently sits on several boards around the world and invests in innovative new technologies. He has also published three books: “Da Chianciano a Cupertino,” “Business Humanum Est,” and “Intelligenza Artificiale e Noi: che sinergie??”.

Company Secretary

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    Derek Hall


    Derek is a finance and compliance professional with extensive experience advising boards. He is a Chartered Accountant, Fellow of the Financial Services Institute, and Associate Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia.

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