Vection Technologies is a growing enterprise-focused company that helps businesses bridge the physical and digital worlds. We help organizations leverage their 3D data via powerful extended reality (XR) interfaces that foster collaboration and learning, grow sales and more.
Vection Technologies is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with ticker code VR1. The Australian Securities Exchange is Australia’s most liquid market for equities. Please refer to the ASX website for more information about Vection Technologies.
To invest in Vection Technologies please contact your stockbroker. You can utilize the symbol VR1.ASX to find Vection Technologies in your stock tracking software. Please refer to the ASX website for a list of stockbrokers and other information about trading shares on the ASX.
If you reside outside of Australia and want to invest in Vection Technologies, please note that Vection Technologies shares can normally only be purchased through an ASX registered stockbroker. Nevertheless, you can contact your local stockbroker to enquire if they have a connection with an ASX registered broker.
Yes, Vection Technologies develops and commercializes Virtual Reality (VR) solutions for the enterprise sector. The Company is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with ticker code VR1.
Yes, Vection Technologies develops and commercializesenterprise-focused Augmented Reality (AR) solutions.It is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with ticker code VR1.
Yes, Vection Technologies develops Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions which form part of the combinatorial technologies required to generate a complete metaverse solution. Vection Technologies is a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with ticker code VR1.
Vection Technologies share register is maintained by Automic Group. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Automic Group via the customer care section on their website:
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